
Jordan Kuwait Bank Issues its Second Sustainability Report in Accordance with Global Governance and Disclosure Standards

Jordan Kuwait Bank (JKB) issued its second annual Sustainability Report for the fiscal year 2021 in accordance to the latest Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. The report reviews the Bank’s strategy, partnerships and initiatives in the area of governance, social and environmental responsibility (ESG) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report recognizes the outcome and impact of the Bank’s commitment to its corporate sustainability strategy and promoting business sustainability within the Bank, as part of its efforts to improve and enhance the disclosure of governance, social and environmental responsibility practices, as well as to engage with various stakeholders on developments related to those practices.   Mr. Haethum Buttikhi – Chief Executive Officer at the Bank, stated: “The Bank believes in the importance of establishing a culture of sustainability according to global standards as an integral part of the development of all operations within and outside the Bank. JKB adopts the standards of governance, transparency, accountability and global sustainable practices to serve as an example and contribute towards a shift in businesses adopting sustainable practices. This Report reflects the Bank’s commitment and contribution to the realization of Jordan Vision 2025, and to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.”   The Sustainability Report highlights the Bank’s achievements in the areas of environmental and social reporting and corporate governance and implementation, its contribution towards a more successful tomorrow and a sustainable future, highlighting many initiatives and partnerships with local and international organizations, with a focus on support for NGOs, charitable programs, women empowerment programs, and environmental preservation.     To download and view the Sustainability Report for 2021: